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Sustainable return

The transformational powers of capital markets can only be unleashed if sus­tain­able investments are no longer limited to particular “green” industries and tech­nolo­gies.

A comprehensive measure to evaluate the sustainability of companies and in­vest­ments is required. Similar to traditional return metrics, sustainable re­turn is a key indicator of a com­pany’s efficiency – but reflects both financials and sustainable outcomes.

Economics applied effectually

Our concept is founded on the theory of externalities going back to A.C. Pigou and has been used by economists for the cen­tu­ry since to evaluate economic efficiency in a way that captures costs and benefits to society as a whole.

In a sustainable economy, economic ac­tiv­i­ties’ damages and benefits to society are “internalized”, or “priced”.

How to make capital effectual:

  • Economic activity has conse­quences for society as a whole, such as environmental pollution.

  • If these external effects are not adequately priced, inefficiency and imbalance will result – as in the case of ecological damage and overproduction.

  • A sustainable return metric includes costs and benefits to society as a whole, in addition to the traditional financials.

  • Allocation of capital based on sustainable return leads to effi­ciency and thus to an effectual transformation to a sustainable economy.

Objective, verifiable, comprehensive

Built on this framework and leveraging big data, sustainable return provides in­vestors with an objective, verifiable and com­pre­hensible measure for evaluating the sustainability of port­folios.

Sound theory drives real change: